Summer Fun....28 months!

Posted on June 21, 2016 @ 07:56 am by wendy
So I don't post/blog enough about my G man. Aunt Ashley would say it's the way of the second child. Maybe it is, but honestly it's just hard to get pictures of Gavin because he is always on the move. That said, he has really come into his own over the last few months so I knew I needed to get something up here. Gavin is now talking in four word sentences and is doing well in independent play. He loves puzzles and trucks and cars just like his big brother. He even held his own in a water-gun fight we had yesterday. Anything Ty can do he wants to do better. Brotherly love. He's having a little trouble sleeping lately. We hope it's just the cold he's fighting and a growth spurt, but he doesn't want to miss out on anything so sleep is the last thing he feels he should do. He's definitely looking forward to his brother coming back to daycare for a few days this summer and getting to swim. We may have another fish on our hands. Toying with the idea of potty training next month as well. Fingers crossed. XoxoX
This is the G man after Tyler was born didn't think you could love anyone else like you do him, but along comes Gavin and the love just surrounds your heart. He is a special boy and it has been so much fun (most of the time) seeing him grow and finding all he can do. He just gives you that smile and it's all over. Then can you believe I even have another grandson Blake just so much love.
Posted on June 21, 2016 @ 10:58 am by nana