9 months

Posted on December 8, 2014 @ 10:15 am by wendy

Gavin had his 9 month check-up the other day - 21.7 lbs and 28 inches long. I think the height was slightly off and the Dr. agreed they won't really get an accurate measurement until he's standing (probably at his one year appointment). I can't believe we are already scheduling his one year appointment. The little man had a rough couple of days. He's been fighting a cold, just got his shots, and the poor thing has been getting teeth non-stop. The bottom two are in and so are the two front side teeth (if that makes sense). The two front teeth are coming in now and it seems soo painful, poor thing. He is a trooper though. Got to go to the Milford Santa parade yesterday, didn't last long with the temperatures being so cold, and it being nap time, but he got to watch a few of the trucks go by. His big brother had an awesome time watching the parade and getting a boat load of candy to boot.