6 Month Check-up

Posted on August 27, 2014 @ 07:52 am by wendy

The little man had his six month check-up yesterday. No longer my little peanut weighing in at a little over five pounds when he was born. Nope... though he was 3 weeks early he's giving a brother a run for his money. At six months Gavin is 26 inches long and weighs 19.25 lbs. He's ready to crawl. Up on all fours and shuffeling. My guess is he'll be moving by next week. He's also got the eating thing down. Dr. said we can start introducing cheerios and puff cereal and begin giving him small pieces of our meals at dinner time (minus strawberries, shellfish, nuts, or honey). Where did the time go. So in love with this kid. XOXOXOXO